Gift wrap can enhance the visual presentation of a gift, making it look more festive, attractive, unique, and special. A beautifully wrapped gift can elevate the excitement and anticipation of the recipient.
Rachel started as a high end gift packaging company. To begin with Rachel sold greeting cards, but she soon started designing gift wrap in order to coordinate with her greeting card designs. In 2005 she started selling to trade, and then retail outlets, via her website and She attended various trade shows over years sold her gift packaging designs in outlets from Australia, to America, and United Kingdom.
Below are some samples of her gift packaging design.

Gift wrap sheets designed by Rachel Goodchild

Rachel Goodchild | Design Blog
Creating Pattern for Textile, Product, Home & Packaging
Rachel is a member of ACID (Anti Copying In Design) & DACS (Design & Artists Copyright Society)All copyright, design rights and other intellectual property rights in Rachel’s designs and products,
as well as images, text and design of this blog remain the property of Rachel Goodchild.
Any infringement of these rights will be vigorously pursued. Copyright Images © Rachel Goodchild 2023. All rights reserved.